IUI #1: The Clomid Experience

I was 38 when I first heard about reproductive endocrinologists and how they could help me. After nearly a decade of unsuccessful attempts to conceive, I was relieved to learn that I no longer had to resort to regular OB/GYN doctors, whose experiments with birth control pills never did make me fertile. I was also surprised to find out that both OB/GYN doctors and reproductive endocrinologists like to start a patient’s treatment conservatively—with a pill.

Special Fertility Diet

The link between body weight and hormonal imbalance has proven key to understanding and treating many couple’s fertility problems. But what if a woman’s weight is well within the normal limits and her infertility still cannot be explained? Perhaps it is time for her to reexamine her diet. Specific dietary restrictions have demonstrated a powerful effect on regulating male and female hormones and increasing women’s chances of achieving pregnancy.

Body Weight and Fertility

Are you overweight/underweight and suffering from irregular periods? Have you tried to conceive for months or years with no luck? The link between body mass index (BMI) and fertility should not be ignored. Even though exceptions can always be found, your chances for a successful pregnancy strongly correlate with your BMI.