Intralipid Infusion: A Possible Solution to Failed Implantations and Early Miscarriages

After my last miscarriage, my doctor tested me for blood clotting problems. The tests came out negative. That was not necessarily good news because we still had no explanation for the failed pregnancy. Implanting a perfect, genetically tested embryo in a healthy uterus did give me the best possible chance of getting pregnant, but it did not help me stay pregnant. I had officially joined the list of women with multiple unexplained miscarriages.

Natural Miscarriage

When my reproductive endocrinologist discovered no fetal heartbeat at one of our regular appointments, he gave me the option to either have a dilation and curettage (D&C) or wait for the miscarriage to happen naturally. Though the decision was up to me, he did recommend the latter approach. I was too preoccupied with the sad news to ask why.

Cramps and Bleeding: A Miscarriage? (Updated Post)

On Thursday afternoon, while I was at work, I started feeling some abdominal discomfort. My first thought was that my lunch was causing me the problem. But we had had a company lunch, and no one else seemed to be affected. So I continued working, not really worried--that is, not until the bleeding started.